Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Control Who You Fall For

With all of the engagement announcements and weddings coming up among friends, I was brought back to consider what I conjured up in my mind a long while ago...(I want to say middle school ish): you can control who you fall in love with. 

Now. I know folks love dwelling on the line, "You can't help who you love." Ohhh but yes, yes you can.

Who your time is spent with is who you grow relationships with, and thus leads to who you love (friends, boyfriends).  Be it with the frat star, friend-zone guy, the dropout, the bad boy, the christian fellow, the jerk, you name it.  You get to choose who you spend time with. You do! No one will force you to get on that motorcycle with that handsome bad boy guy to cruise casually up and down A1A as the sun is setting. Your curiosity may have wanted to be there, and you fell for it. By making time for him to leave a stamp on your heart and in your mind, you allowed your wall to come down. It gave you a story for your friends, sure, but
honestly the relationships that last are those out of the spotlight. 

But if you know your value, and are being honest, you also knew he wasn't good for you before you went. This applies to the girl who dates her friend's ex also.  She knows full well how much it will hurt said friend, so for her to DECIDE to pursue the ex pursuing her, that is a choice out of self, and not of love. That's a very sticky situation, but largely why I think it hurts so much. 

Self control comes into play, and as difficult as it is, you have to look out for yourself in these situations to guard your heart.  When it's tattered and sad, you're ultimately wasting your own time.  Time that could have been spent as the happy, unbroken you ready to meet someone new and better. 

The Lord tries to help guide you, but you choose your route. They say be young, be crazy...I say be young but don't be too crazy, because your past will haunt you. No matter what "they" say... "They" are also the ones that won't let you forget what you did, too.  Those are the people not truly looking out for your best interest.  The Lord, however, will forgive you because real "love keeps no records of wrongs." 

It does me good to re-read this verse, and helps me be real in realizing who loves me and who does not:

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres...

What I'm trying to get at is to be intentional. Your time is not limitless, and you deserve to give it to the best. Especially now, because being young is powerful, and fleeting.  Choose your loved ones wisely. 

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