Wednesday, April 3, 2013

That "Southern Gentleman"

Good morning! So after devotions this am, I was considering the guys that have been reaching out to me as of late. In that stage of retrospect, I considered my own history. I realized (among many things...which will be later posts) that I always go for the fellas that have some sort of southern root to them.  Why is there is such a HUGE appeal for the Southern Gentleman?

I think it has something to do with their hearts...underneath all the plaid, ties, and camouflage, they were raised right by their God-fearing parents. This separates them greatly from the rest of the population who lack that kind of love.  They can show you their hearts because their confidence allows that.

Appropriately called the bible belt, these boys are born and raised to love like Jesus does. It makes sense that they'd know how to forgive, wait, direct anger, and love/care for others in a more selfless manor than that of someone who doesn't know that kind of love at all. And more than that, they know how to treat a lady. If they can find a Proverbs 31 woman, as described in the bible, and also on Southern Simplicity's blog, not only will their mama love her, but he'll love her too.  (HellOo approval stamp!) 

For your consideration: Are you who the person you're looking for, is looking for? 

Anyway-Not to mention...they aren't pansies. By any means. It's almost like this genre of men are the manliest of the men. They know their way around any hardware store, but can also whisk you away on the dance floor and melt your heart. 

By that last part, I mean that they are more likely to *not* have a fear of making fools out of themselves, as they are secure in their person. (Work that silly side y''s too short to take yourself so seriously).

What I'm trying to convey here is what I'm looking for, and how difficult it is to find. However, when I do meet someone who falls under these attributes, they stand out like sore thumbs. The Lord rewards patience, though, so I'm awaiting this kind of a man: 

1. One who can lead. 

He should be a spiritual leader.  I want a man that will be strong in faith and keep care of his family by showing them the love of the Lord. It may sound silly to some, but if he loves Jesus more so than me, I would be the most happy. MOST. 
2. One who can put others before himself.
This doesn't mean get walked on, or not take care of themselves. But Andy Stanley has a wonderful sermon on staying in love (Listen to his podcast....I do oh so often and he's wonderful (Staying in Love Part 1).  This means he is willing to make sacrifices for the ones he loves. 
3. One who lives.
This is quite vague. But, it's a big one. The thought of a mundane, boring life is one that I am seeking to avoid. Someone who lives is one who appreciates the Lord's creation around them. I have an eclectic array of random things I enjoy. If we can live life together, and it involves adventures together, I'm there. One who understands living in this sense also knows time is limited. He has drive and ambition and can confidently care for his family. Yes, it's a responsibility that requires character. Not all can handle this task as well as a God-fearing man. 
4. One who believes what I do.
If they don't match up with me this way, I push them away..and fast.  So I give the guy a chance. If he's brave enough to ask, I'll go on a few dates, but I usually know right away how it's going to go.  I'm not about to lead him on if I'm not feeling it.  Just the same, I wouldn't want to be led on either. P.S. All is not fair in love and war. That's among the worst justification sentences in the history of life. A God fearing man is the man for me!

I just started dating someone who emulates each of these points. We've gone on a couple dates. It's too early to tell...but I'm sure it's about to inspire some writing.