Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What You Want, Baby I Got it (God Speaking)

Have you ever been in a situation where you don't do what you want to, at the expense of someone else?

Well. I have. And I've become extremely aware of it as of late. An example (among too many) is this very evening. I was excited to finally get to our Wednesday night group at church. It's new, and quickly growing too. My friend and I were walking up to go, when some of our other friends (from church, mind you) invited us to chipotle. My friend immediately said yeah, she wanted to go along...meaning we'd miss the bible study. Said friend knew I wanted to go, and this was not taken into regard as her stomach must have been empty and beckoning.

I had a choice I could make then. I could either proceed alone to the church group- Or I could go with my friends committed to chipotle. I let my friend dictate my path. I was left feeling embarrassed and shame for not going to church. And being surrounded by people chatting about others LOUDLY near where the bible study was carrying on. I was guilty though by association and it's on me. Visiting was great and fun, sure. But there's a time and a place.

I did not make today something that future me would be proud of.

With this post, I'm making a pact with myself. I was never one to follow, but to lead. The Lord has made me aware of these faults now, and I will be walked on no longer. I could be doing so much more and meanwhile, I'm asking for corn salsa in my burrito bowl. 

Follow your gut, it's your conscience and God teaches you what to do and you'll know what's right by getting in the word.


For some more insight and in depth about the right decisions (avoiding Mr. wrong..ahem..) check out Diamond Diploma's latest blog post, "Tough Decisions." I saw we had similar ideas after I had posted mine.