Friday, December 12, 2014

I Like You Let's Hold Hands

How we decide we like someone is a curious thing. What is it that draws two hearts together? There's some sort of innate attraction that goes on, sure. Is it your bodily instinct seeing what it needs or lacks in someone else? That to me would be a self-aware person, accepting of criticism and outwardly seeking completion. Or is it that you see a challenging person; someone who doesn't let it be easy to give or receive love to or from them? That comes off as a prideful person by seeking love that is difficult to achieve, possibly because they don't feel worthy without the difficult person's approval. Or could it be that you see someone like you that you are compatible with due to their lack of differences? This person is one that would be confident in themselves or very self-involved. 

Perhaps it is a mutuality in all of these types of people. Attraction to like minded/similarities, attraction to hard to get, attraction to the opposite--it seems to me that this mutual selection process varies greatly on the person's ego, confidence, or seek of balance. So timing in your life and where you are will affect who you attract and are attracted's like changing your "type" over time to suit your needs.

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